Lambda Alpha Scholarship Deadline

Here is another scholarship opportunity for our students. Graduate students should work directly with their faculty advisors to submit their application, but please let me know who is applying so I have it for our records. The deadline is March 1—it must be postmarked by then (snail mail submission only). There can be multiple applicants

Anthropology Club Spring Social

22 ten Hoor Hall Tuscaloosa

The anthropology club will have its spring social tonight.  We will be watching Sandlot!  There will also be free food courtesy of BamaDining.  Come join us at 5:30pm in ten Hoor Hall room 22.

Anthropology Club Spring Social

22 ten Hoor Hall Tuscaloosa

The anthropology club will have its spring social tonight.  We will be watching Sandlot!  There will also be free food courtesy of BamaDining.  Come join us at 5:30pm in ten Hoor Hall room 22.

Daniel LaDu Dissertation Defense

117 ten Hoor Hall , United States

Daniel LaDu will present his dissertation defense February 26, 2016 from 10am-12pm in 117 ten Hoor Hall.

Daniel LaDu Dissertation Defense

117 ten Hoor Hall , United States

Daniel LaDu will present his dissertation defense February 26, 2016 from 10am-12pm in 117 ten Hoor Hall.

Dr. Lee Drake on X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometry

113 Biology

Schedule of Events On March 9 (starting at 9:00am) and 10 Dr. Lee Drake, an archaeologist and application scientist, from Bruker Elemental will be at the University of Alabama to conduct a two day workshop on the background science and use of the new Tracer-IIISD handheld x-ray fluorescence spectrometer (pXRF). This workshop will provide a

Dr. Lee Drake on X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometry

113 Biology

Schedule of Events On March 9 (starting at 9:00am) and 10 Dr. Lee Drake, an archaeologist and application scientist, from Bruker Elemental will be at the University of Alabama to conduct a two day workshop on the background science and use of the new Tracer-IIISD handheld x-ray fluorescence spectrometer (pXRF). This workshop will provide a