MA Thesis Colloquium

22 ten Hoor Hall Tuscaloosa

2:00pm Karl Bennett, "Cultural Consensus Models of Strategy Among Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Practitioners in Atlanta, GA." 2:30pm Monika Wanis, “Traditional Health Seeking Practices Among Rural and Urban Negev Bedouin Populations

Professionalization workshop

21 ten Hoor Hall Tuscaloosa

Going Post-Ac: The Non-Academic Job Search, screening of recorded webinar by Karen Kelsky (running time: 1 hr, 35 min)


21 ten Hoor Hall Tuscaloosa

DeJarnette BBQ

Moundville Archeaological Park

25th Anniversary

Max Stein Dissertation Defense

113 ten Hoor Hall

MAX STEIN DISSERTATION DEFENSE Embeddedness, Cultural Consonance, and Health in a Dynamic Migration Network in Northern Peru