Anthropology Club Meeting

22 ten Hoor Hall Tuscaloosa

This semester we will be having guest lectures, a movie night, tailgating, and a three-day trip to Mammoth Cave. There are lots of events to look forward to, all of

Anthropology Club Meeting

22 ten Hoor Hall Tuscaloosa

This meeting features a lecture by archaeologist Dr. Ian Thompson. The meeting will be followed by fellowship at Wilhagan's.

Alabama Archaeological Society Meeting – Dr. Ian Brown lecture

103 ten Hoor 19 ten Hoor Hall, Tuscaloosa, AL, United States

The Tuscaloosa chapter of the Alabama Archaeological Society is pleased to present a lecture by Dr. Ian Brown entitled, "The Southern African-American Burial Pattern, as Represented at Gadsden's Alabama City

Anthropology Club Meeting

22 ten Hoor Hall Tuscaloosa

We will briefly discuss some club business and then have an anthropology-themed game night! Get creative and bring games you've learned about from the people you study/ in the places

Anthropology Club Meeting

22 ten Hoor Hall Tuscaloosa

This semester we will be having guest lectures, a movie night, tailgating, and possibly a club trip. There are lots of events to look forward to...join us to find out

Anthropology Club Meeting

22 ten Hoor Hall Tuscaloosa

Our final anthropology club meeting of the semester is this Friday at 4 PM in room 22. We will recap everything we did this fall and discuss our plans for