Daniel LaDu Dissertation Defense

117 ten Hoor Hall , United States

Daniel LaDu will present his dissertation defense February 26, 2016 from 10am-12pm in 117 ten Hoor Hall.

Daniel LaDu Dissertation Defense

117 ten Hoor Hall , United States

Daniel LaDu will present his dissertation defense February 26, 2016 from 10am-12pm in 117 ten Hoor Hall.

Dr. Lee Drake on X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometry

113 Biology

Schedule of Events On March 9 (starting at 9:00am) and 10 Dr. Lee Drake, an archaeologist and application scientist, from Bruker Elemental will be at the University of Alabama to conduct a two day workshop on the background science and use of the new Tracer-IIISD handheld x-ray fluorescence spectrometer (pXRF). This workshop will provide a

Dr. Lee Drake on X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometry

113 Biology

Schedule of Events On March 9 (starting at 9:00am) and 10 Dr. Lee Drake, an archaeologist and application scientist, from Bruker Elemental will be at the University of Alabama to conduct a two day workshop on the background science and use of the new Tracer-IIISD handheld x-ray fluorescence spectrometer (pXRF). This workshop will provide a

Spring MA Colloquium

ten Hoor 107

Dear graduate students and faculty, I have scheduled our Spring MA colloquium for Monday, March 21 at 1pm in ten Hoor 107. This is when all MA students graduating in May with a thesis will present their work, and it counts for them as an oral thesis defense. However, we always maintain a celebratory tone at

Spring MA Colloquium

ten Hoor 107

Dear graduate students and faculty, I have scheduled our Spring MA colloquium for Monday, March 21 at 1pm in ten Hoor 107. This is when all MA students graduating in May with a thesis will present their work, and it counts for them as an oral thesis defense. However, we always maintain a celebratory tone at