Professional Development Workshop

22 ten Hoor Hall Tuscaloosa

Our final professional workshop of the academic year will be held on Wednesday, April 24 from 12 pm-1 pm in 22 ten Hoor. The topic for this workshop is Non-Academic Careers for Anthropologists. You will have the opportunity to virtually interact with the following professionals who are using their anthropology degrees in a variety of employment settings:

FABBL – Pierce Wright talk on “Community of Potters”

ten Hoor 21

Join us for our Friday Afternoon Brown Bag Luncheon (FABBL), where Pierce Wright will give a presentation entitled, "Community of Potters: How is Ceramic Production Situated?". The basic structure of a FABBL is as follows: we eat and socialize for fifteen minutes, the speaker gives a 20-30 minute presentation, and we close with roughly 10