Anthropology Club movie night

22 ten Hoor Hall Tuscaloosa

The Anthropology Club will be having a movie night this Friday at 4 PM in room 22 ten Hoor, where we will be showing The Breadwinner (Link to movie trailer: This will be followed by Fellowship and discussion about the film at Heat Pizza.

Anthropology Club Game Night

22 ten Hoor Hall Tuscaloosa

There will be an anthropology club meeting this Friday at 4 PM in room 22. We will be having a game night followed by Fellowship at Heat Pizza Bar around 6. Bring your games and a competitive spirit!

Anthropology Club trip to the Moundville Knap-In and meeting

22 ten Hoor Hall Tuscaloosa

The Anthropology Club will be going to the Moundville Archaeological Park to visit the museum and check out the flint knapping (stone tool making) event that the park is holding. The anthropology club will cover any costs, and we can arrange carpools and use the van for transportation. Moundville is a 30 minute drive from

Graduate Student Meeting – Feels from the Field

ten Hoor 10 Tuscaloosa, AL, United States

This Friday at 3PM, please join Chris Lynn in the Grad Student Lounge for a chat about returning from the field.  We’ll be talking about the realities of coming back from fieldwork & trying to jump right back into teaching, writing, or research & how many of us would just rather do anything but for