21 ten Hoor Hall Tuscaloosa

Courtney Andrews - Culture's Role in Immigrant Health

MMBAC Meeting

21 ten Hoor Hall Tuscaloosa

Larry Monocello and Bill Dressler Paper

Graduate Student Appreciation Day Luncheon

21 ten Hoor Hall Tuscaloosa

Dear Graduate Students,   Please put “Free Lunch” on your respective calendars!   On Thursday April 13, from noon until 1:30 in Rm. 21 we will have our annual Graduate Student Appreciation Day Luncheon. This event is mostly supported by College of Arts and Sciences Dean Bob Olin, for which we are very grateful. The two recipients

ET with Dr. Lena Schwiete

21 ten Hoor Hall Tuscaloosa

Dr. Lena Schwiete will give a talk entitled "A Need to Activate Parents?  Migrant Integration Policies in Berlin Neukolln" on Tuesday, November 8th from noon – 1pm in  rm. 21 ten Hoor Event Poster

November MMBAC

21 ten Hoor Hall Tuscaloosa

MMBAC 11/4 at 10am will be led by Sonya. She says: "I will be sharing an article-in-progress, titled "The Third Speaker: The Body as Interlocutor in Conventional, Complementary, and Integrative Medicine Encounters.” It is based on (not explicitly anthropological) research that was primarily carried out by Mimi Tarn at UCLA, and is a co-authored piece