Teaching (GTA) Resources and Training

GTA Workshop: Since 1987, the Graduate School has offered special training for graduate teaching assistants. The Workshop is held at the Paul W. Bryant Conference Center on Thursday and Friday of the week before fall classes begin. It includes a variety of formal presentations and interactive activities. http://services.graduate.ua.edu/publications/ga/gaguide.htm

Graduate Assistant Guide (Formerly Graduate Student Employment Policy): http://services.graduate.ua.edu/publications/ga/gaguide.htm

Library Guide for Graduate Teaching Assistants: http://guides.lib.ua.edu/GTA

Confidential Student Records/FERPA: The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974, as amended, is a federal law that protects the privacy and confidentiality of personally identifiable information contained within student education records. The University of Alabama complies with FERPA’s confidentiality protections and adheres to procedures dealing with student education records and directory information recommended by the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (AACRAO). https://registrar.ua.edu/academics-policies/ferpa/