Dr. Katherine Chiou Awarded Wenner-Gren Foundation Grant

Dr. Katherine Chiou, along with her colleague Dr. Di Hu, assistant professor of anthropology at James Madison University, were just awarded a $20,000 grant from the Wenner-Gren Foundation to host a workshop at the University of Alabama next year entitled “Multiple Inequalities in Every Meal: Theorizing Intersectional Foodways, Past and Present.”

This interdisciplinary workshop assembles an international panel of 17 food scholars from archaeology, cultural anthropology, American studies, women’s studies, and African American studies to engage in intensive dialogue and work on advancing scholarship by uncovering narratives that challenge conventional wisdom about how inequality and difference were created and maintained in the past—along with their lasting effects on the present.

This is such an important topic, and a major accomplishment to have this workshop hosted on our campus.

Congratulations to Dr. Chiou and Dr. Hu!