Hallo-Hate Tennessee Bake Sale

We will be having our annual Hallo-Hate Tennessee bake sale on Thursday (10/13) starting at 9a.m., so please express your primal tribalism through baking as this generates funds for the club. I will have a table set up on the main floor of ten Hoor starting at 9, so please bring your baked goods as

Anthropology Club Meeting

22 ten Hoor Hall Tuscaloosa

We will be having our monthly anthropology club meeting this Friday (10/14) at 5p.m. in room 22, where we will be going over many important things that I will be informed of over the next few days. This will of course be followed by fellowship at Wilhagan's.

Guest Lecture: Dr. Carolyn Freiwald

21 ten Hoor Hall Tuscaloosa

Dr. Carolyn Freiwald of the University of Mississippi will be visiting to talk about her work on migration, health, and trade in Guatemala.

Fall Thesis Colloquium

22 ten Hoor Hall Tuscaloosa

Colloquium for December-graduating thesis-based MA students.

ET with Dr. Suma Ikeuchi

21 ten Hoor Hall Tuscaloosa

Suma Ikeuchi, PhD (Assist Prof Dept of Religious Studies), will be giving a talk entitled "Borders of Self:  Return Migration and Global Pentecostalism among Nikkei Brazilian Migrants in Japan" on October 31 at noon in ten Hoor rm 21. Event Flyer

November MMBAC

21 ten Hoor Hall Tuscaloosa

MMBAC 11/4 at 10am will be led by Sonya. She says: "I will be sharing an article-in-progress, titled "The Third Speaker: The Body as Interlocutor in Conventional, Complementary, and Integrative Medicine Encounters.” It is based on (not explicitly anthropological) research that was primarily carried out by Mimi Tarn at UCLA, and is a co-authored piece

Anthropology Club Meeting

22 ten Hoor Hall Tuscaloosa

Anthropology Club will be having its November meeting this Friday, November 4th at 5pm. We will be discussing the day trip, scheduled for this Saturday, November 5th along with other important things. As usual, we will meet in ten Hoor room 22. Fellowship will follow the meeting. And since we have received a whopping zero

ET with Dr. Lena Schwiete

21 ten Hoor Hall Tuscaloosa

Dr. Lena Schwiete will give a talk entitled "A Need to Activate Parents?  Migrant Integration Policies in Berlin Neukolln" on Tuesday, November 8th from noon – 1pm in  rm. 21 ten Hoor Event Poster