Anthropology Club Meeting

22 ten Hoor Hall Tuscaloosa

This Friday the Anthro club will be having our monthly meeting at 5pm in ten Hoor room 22. We will be covering important topics, such as the social coming up (probably next Tuesday, but still finalizing it), the camping trip, and probably other things too. As usual, fellowship will follow.

ET with Dr. Dimitri M. Bondarenko

113 ten Hoor Hall

Dr. Dimitri M. Bondarenko will be presenting a talk entitled The Past is always Present: The Role of Historic Memory in Shaping the Relations between African Americans and Contemporary African Migrants in the USA on April 4th, in rm. 113 ten Hoor from 4pm-5pm. Event Flyer

Guest Lecture with Dr. John Kappelman

30 ten Hoor 350 Marrs Spring Rd, Tuscaloosa, AL, United States

On Thursday, April 6th, Dr. John Kappelman will be giving a guest lecture entitled Solving a 3.2-Million-Year-Old Mystery: How Lucy Died? from 5:30-7pm in ten Hoor rm. 30. Dr. Kappelman's publication of high resolution CT scans of "Lucy," and his provocative interpretation of her death made big waves in the paleoanthropological community and beyond in 2016. We hope

Talk by Dr. John Kappelman

30 ten Hoor 350 Marrs Spring Rd, Tuscaloosa, AL, United States

Professor John Kappelman (University of Texas at Austin) will present his recent hypothesis about how Lucy, the most famous fossil on the planet, met her demise 3.2 million years ago. The fossil was discovered over 40 years ago; until now, her cause of death was listed as “undetermined.” Dr. Kappelman and his team conducted high

DeJarnette Barbecue

Moundville Archeaological Park

Please mark Saturday, April 8th on your calendar for the annual DeJarnette Barbecue at Moundville.   As usual, the event will be held at the Nelson B. Jones Conference Building on the river bank at Moundville Archaeological Park, with food served at 1:00 pm. (PLEASE NOTE CHANGE OF TIME TO EAT!!!!)  You'll get another invitation

Graduate Student Appreciation Day Luncheon

21 ten Hoor Hall Tuscaloosa

Dear Graduate Students,   Please put “Free Lunch” on your respective calendars!   On Thursday April 13, from noon until 1:30 in Rm. 21 we will have our annual Graduate Student Appreciation Day Luncheon. This event is mostly supported by College of Arts and Sciences Dean Bob Olin, for which we are very grateful. The two recipients

Mind, Medicine, Body, and Culture Series

ten Hoor 21

MMBAC (Mind, Medicine, Body, and Culture series) schedule for the semester is as follows: FEB 3 MARCH 3 APRIL 14 MAY 5 If you are interested in leading any of the sessions with a relevant journal article, conference presentation, or manuscript contact one of us.