Paul D. Jackson Scholarship Established

Image of Paul D. JacksonWe are thrilled to announce the establishment of the Paul D. Jackson Scholarship in Cultural Resource Management.

Thanks to a generous gift by Paul and Kristi Jackson, the Paul D. Jackson Scholarship reflects and honors the commitment by Mr. Jackson, a founder and co-owner of TerraXplorations and a University of Alabama Anthropology alumnus, to preparing students for careers in cultural resource management. The scholarship will be awarded for the first time in August 2024, and annually thereafter.

Paul D. Jackson has over thirty years of experience in the field of archaeology and Cultural Resource Management. He received his M.A. and B.A. in Anthropology from The University of Alabama. Before founding TerraX in 2012, Mr. Jackson was Vice President and regional manager for Panamerican Consultants, Inc.’s southeastern region.

Mr. Jackson specialized in the pre-contact period in Alabama, Georgia, and Louisiana. Since college, he has studied, presented, and published on the transition period of peoples from Woodland to Mississippian cultures throughout the south. Throughout his career, Mr. Jackson has worked in all the Southern states, surveyed thousands of acres, tested hundreds of Pre-contact and Historic sites, and excavated numerous sites. In the past four years, he has led excavations of eight sites across the south, including two sugar mills, two plantation main-house complexes , a Civil War fort, and a large (12.5-acre) Coles Creek village in Louisiana, two multi-component sites in Alabama, and a 10-acre Archaic site in Tennessee.

Mr. Jackson also facilitated Native American Consultations between Alabama, Georgia, Florida, Mississippi, and Oklahoma National Guards, as well as between Fort Benning Military Reservation, Georgia, and the members of the Federally Recognized Tribes with interests in those states.

The Department of Anthropology is thrilled and honored by our partnership with the Jacksons to open opportunities for students who wish to pursue careers as professional archaeologists. We look forward with excitement to profiling the first Paul D. Jackson Scholarship recipient this August.